-------- Think Video --------

The True Value of a Brand Lies in the People Behind It

-------- Think Video --------

The True Power of a Brand Lies in The People Behind It

"People buy from people"

Do your customers get much more for you than a simple product or service? Instantly convey your expertise and the capabilities and personality of your brand and why you’re a good fit for your ideal prospect.

-------- Working with Think Video --------

The UK's only boutique video marketing
agency for B2B relationship building

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Build instant trust
(at scale)

Nobody buys anything from anybody that they don’t trust – which makes trust the most valuable emotion that buyers must feel when they connect with your brand.

And nothing builds trust online like video.

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Attract new buyers
to your business

You have an amazing product or service and if enough people listen to what you have to offer, your brand will really take off.

But your message isn’t reaching the people it should.

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Show the world what
what you've got

Over 80% of businesses that use
video in their marketing see a good return on their investment.

And Google loves video.

Get maximum value from
a professional video agency

Both short form and long form content in one package repurposed and optimised for

  • Websites
  • Social media
  • Email
  • Podcasts

and anywhere else your buyers hang out.

Video for every stage of the buyer's journey

Attract, educate and convert prospects and motivate them to take the action you want.

Turn prospects from shy to buy

Show the value you bring to your game and why buyers should want to work with you.

Build a pipleline of quality leads

New customer relationships can often be long-term and video is the best way to kickstart early conversations with your ideal audience.

Format matters

It’s not so much about what you say but HOW you say it – deliver what your buyers expect.

Buyers educate themselves online

Today, your customers will be 80% of their way through their buying journey before they book a call to discuss their problem.

Need big agency video?

Don’t hire a big agency

“With Think Video, we have the best of both worlds – a small agency close relationship with big agency ideas.”

Ed Grainger
Managing Director, Grainger and Worrall

“We increased the number of prospects in our pipleline by 40% with the content from Think Video that really hit home in our target market”

Leon Cottell
Owner, Team Point

How much content on your website is delivered by video?

Video will account for over 82% of all internet traffic in 2022

How much content on your website is delivered by video?

The growth in video consumption is unstoppable and video will contime to be the medium of choice for switched-on brands in 2024, accounting for 85% of all internet traffic.

Just as you would research a new camera or TV, your customers are also reseacrhing potential partners for their business.

Humanise your business with video and become one of those switched-on businesses with which your buyers will want to connect.